Patience: easier said than done

Above deacon Kenny showing how a marbles sinks in water, oil, honey at different rates. Like wise Gods plan for us unfolds are different rate… we need to be patient and keep our faith that no matter the events in our lives, the occur according to Gods plan and for the ultimate good, even if our mind has trouble comprehending what the plan is.

Likewise the Second Coming of Christ is something that does not occur quickly, in fact, even the angels don’t know what it will happen… only God/Christ know this. That is why we must be patient and be spiritually ready…. Don’t forget our faith even for a minute because our Lord may come when we least expect it. For when we loose patience we run the risk of loosing our faith!

This is the meaning of the parable of the verging in Mathew.

The foolishness of five of the ten young women in Jesus' story is about to become apparent. Of the ten, only five were wise enough to bring extra oil for their lamps. The other five brought only what their lamps already contained.

Matthew 25:7

A lamp is trimmed when the wick is turned either up or down to regulate the amount of flame. If a lamp is empty of oil, it does not matter how much one trims it—the lamp will go out when the oil is consumed.

Apparently, when events make it obvious Christ's return is immediate, the whole church wakes up in surprise. Its members get out their Bibles to find the answer to where Christ is waiting for them, but with the oil of the Holy Spirit producing only a dim light, they lack the spiritual insight to find Him. It is as though the foolish virgins are stumbling around in the dark trying to understand the Word of God, but they cannot.

At this point, the foolish are in a state of panic; they realize they cannot understand and do not have the faith to believe. They ask the wise for help in understanding.


Spoiler Alert!


Present Hope, Future Hope